Standard Operating Procedure Of Pest Control In pharma Plant

Contact for Pest management  in pharma and Food- 9411644142

1.0   TITLE
   Procedure for pest control service at site

2.1      To define the procedure, schedule and frequency for treatment of pest, rodent, flies, insects (all crawling and flying species), lizards and snakes.
2.2      This procedure will outline steps to ensure that pests and other vermin are effectively controlled and contained.     
3.0   SCOPE
3.1      This procedure applies to controls of all types of pests and vermin.  The procedure defines methods of physical and chemical control in a manner in which they are contained effectively.
3.2      This procedure shall provide the key functionality requirements or procedures for all areas.
4.1      Pest Control Agency (PESTLOGIC INDIA )-
4.1.1     The Pest Logic India is responsible for providing regular services like (1) spraying the specified areas with approved pesticides, (2) replacement and cleaning of baits or Gum pad as the details specified in this SOP and (3) recording all activities as per specified and approved formats of respected site.
4.2      Manager HR / Designee (Client)–
4.2.1     Manager HR / designee shall ensure that an approved and valid, technical agreement with Pest Logic India is in place and also responsible for concurrently reviewing documents as per defined frequency.
4.2.2     Manager HR / designee responsible for ensuring compliance of pest control procedure with training which require to do work at site.
4.2.3     Manager HR / designee responsible for issuing of copy of the drawing to the Pest Logic India.
5.1      MSDS      :     Material Safety Data Sheet
5.2      SOP        :     Standard Operating Procedure
5.3      Q.A         :     Quality Assurance
5.4      HR          :     Human Resources
5.5      Pest Control:    Pest control is the process of minimizing or controlling a wide range of undesirable insects and other pests.
6.1      Pest Logic India Technician used approved chemicals.
6.2      Pest Logic India Technician fills all the documents/records related to pest control procedure but review and approved by site HR/admin.
6.3      Training record of Pest Logic India technicians shall be maintained at site.
6.4      Technical agreement shall be prepared and approved as per Management of Contracted Services.
6.5      Precaution: - Pest Logic India Technician ensures that chemicals being used for pest control do not come in contact with any material or any person.
6.6      General disinfestation treatment
6.6.1        Pest Logic India Technician performed pest control treatment and recorded in attachment III Pest Control Record (Routine) or plant approved formats for outer periphery of building.
6.6.2        The treatment application shall be performed in, but not limited to canteen drains, office area, securities, utilities, toilets, etc. The disinfestations treatment shall not be performed in the manufacturing areas, critical area and warehouse.
6.6.3        Disinfestation treatment detail
The treatment aims at controlling pests like cockroaches, red and black ants.
Chemicals with trade name of pesticides, to be used

o  Imidacloprid Gel 2.15% - (Trade Name - Max Force IC)


o  Fipronil Gel 0.05% - (Trade Name : Cockroach Gel)

Mode of treatment:-
Micronized drops of Imidacloprid Gel 2.15% (Max Force) or Fipronil Gel 0.05% shall be placed in hideout of cockroaches on a quarterly basis or as per requirement.

Type of Action: Knock down and residual


o  Imidacloprid :-
Not known.  Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets (Treat Symptomatically)

o  Fipronil
No antidote. Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets. (Treat Symptomatically)

Specific Instructions: Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuff.  Keep away from children, domestic animals or pets.
6.7      Rodent control inside or Outside the building
6.7.1        Rodent glue pads shall be placed in rodent box or designated places as per requirement by the Pest Logic India Technician.
6.7.2        Pest Logic India Technician shall check the glue pads daily for any footprint of rodents or trapped rodents.
6.7.3        In case of any observation of rodent foot prints, on the glue pad, it should be ensured by him that necessary steps are taken to catch the rodent. 
6.7.4        In case any rodent is trapped, the glue pad along with the rodent shall be disposed off either by the housekeeping personnel or Pest Logic India Technician, away from the factory premises.  A fresh glue pad shall be kept at the site by the Pest Logic India Technician, whenever a rodent is trapped or foot prints are observed.
6.7.5        The Pest Logic India Technician shall record the details in attachment I “Pest control record (glue pads)”or approved format by Plant.
6.7.6        This record shall be reviewed by the Plant HR.
6.7.7        Numbering of Glue Traps Or as per site SOP      Each glue trap shall have a unique 5 characters.      The first character shall be the alphabet “G” denoting glue trap.      The second character shall be “-“      The third, fourth and the fifth character shall denote the glue trap number starting from 001 onwards      Illustration: Glue Trap No. 1 shall be numbered as G-001.      Glue pad ID shall be annotated on the current version pest control layout of site.
6.7.8        Action Limit: If the droppings are observed for consecutive three days in any of the box.
6.7.9        Action to be taken: Check all entry points of the premises, paying specific attention to canteen. Trap using suitable device.
6.7.10    Rodent Control Treatment Details The treatment aims at controlling rats, mice and bandicoots. Mode of treatment : Small cake of rodenticide shall be placed inside the roda box Chemical and Trade Name of Rodenticide

Bromodilone (Trade Name - Roban/Ratonil) Type of action : It kills by interfering blood coagulation process (Anticoagulant) Concentration of Rodenticide : 0.005% Antidote
Not known. Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets (Treat Symptomatically)

Specific Instructions: Keep away from children and pets.
6.7.11    Numbering of rodent cage Each Roda Box shall have a unique 3 characters The first character will start with the alphabet “R” for Roda Box. The second and third characters shall denote the Roda Box number starting from 01 onwards Illustration: The Roda Box shall be numbered R01. Roda box ID shall be annotated on the current version of pest control layout.
6.7.12    The Pest Logic India Technician shall record the details in “Rodent Control Record (Roda Boxes)” – Attachment II or as approved format.
6.8 Fly control
6.8.1        Fly Control operation shall be carried out using spray Beta-cyfluthrin or Pyrethrum Extract 2% daily in specified area.  The Technician of Pest Logic India shall record the details of fly control treatment in  Attachment III “Pest Control Record (Routine) or approved format.
6.8.2        Fly Control Treatment Detail          This treatment mainly aims at controlling pests like house flies, drain flies, flash flies and gnats.          Mode of treatment: - 1 to 2 % water based solution of Beta-cyfluthrin 2.5% SC shall be sprayed.          Chemicals and Trade name of pesticide used           Beta-cyfluthrin 2.5% SC – ( Trade Name-Responsar 25SC)
                                                 OR           Pyrethrum 2% extract – (Trade Name-SIBA)          Type of Action :- Knock down and residual          Antidote           Beta-cyfluthrin – No antidote. Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Satefy Data Sheets.           Pyrethrum - No antidote. Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Satefy Data Sheets          Keep away from children, domestic animals/pets, food/feed and fire.
6.9 Snake control
6.9.1        Snake Control operation shall be carried out using spray of Chloropyriphos 50% EC (HILBAN) (Terrashield) daily, during rainy season (July, August and September).  The areas covered are external walls of the buildings. 
6.9.2        Record the treatment in Attachment III entitled “Pest Control Record (Routine) or approved format.
6.9.3        Snake Control treatment details          The treatment aims at controlling reptiles like snakes          Treatment procedure :-      1 to 2% solution of Chloropyriphos 50% EC shall be sprayed around the external walls of the buildings.          Chemical used :-      Chloropyriphos 50% EC          Trade Name of Pesticide – HILBAN/TERRASHIELD          Type of action :- Knock down and residual          Antidote – No antidote. Systemic treatment as per MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets.          Specific Instructions – Keep away from food/drinks, animal feeding stuff.  Keep away from children, domestic animals or pets.
6.10     Lizard control
6.10.1    Frequency      Daily.
6.10.2    Lizard Control treatment detail   Spray Cypermethrin 10% (Trade Name - Hilcyprine) as per specified frequency, entry points of the buildings and their hideouts.
6.10.3    Record the treatment in Attachment III entitled “Pest Control Record (Routine) or site approved format.
6.11     Spider control
6.11.1    Frequency – Once in three months.
6.11.2    Spider Control Treatment detail   Spray Chloropyriphos 0.25% (Trade Name - HILBAN & Terrashield) chemical as per specified frequency in corners, nooks, crevices, fissures, gaps in walls, under the staircase and near the ceiling of service floor areas.
6.11.3    Record the treatment in Attachment III entitled “Pest Control Record (Routine) for outer periphery of building”  and Attachment IX Pest Control Record (Weekly) for Mezzanine Floor & outer periphery of service floor
6.12     Cricket control
6.12.1    Frequency – 3 times in a month twice day during monsoons (July, August, September)
6.12.2    Cricket Control Treatment detail   Cypermethrin10% chemical (Trade Name – Hilcyprine) 3 times a month during July / August / September at periphery of building, in hideouts like under bricks and rocks in the lawn.
6.12.3    Record the treatment in Attachment III entitled “Pest Control Record (Routine) for outer periphery of building”  and Attachment IX Pest Control Record (Weekly) for Mezzanine Floor & outer periphery of service floor

6.13     Evaluation and trend analysis
6.13.1       Any deficiency recorded during the evaluation period shall be reviewed for corrective action taken.
6.13.2       Trending shall be done on quarterly basis.
6.13.3       The trend data shall be prepared & reviewed by Human Resources Department and approved by Quality Assurance Manager or designee within 30 days.
6.13.4       Based on the trending, if any actions are required, those shall be recorded on trending data and concerned personnel shall be informed for corrective action, if any.
6.14     In case of any adverse observation, by the representative of pest control agency or personnel from any department, the identified deficiencies shall be rectified immediately or during the next visit by the representative of the pest control agency, depending upon the seriousness of the problem.  The observations along with the actions taken shall be recorded in Form entitled “Pest Control Deficiency Detection Form”, Attachment V.
6.15     Treatment of termites
6.15.1       Frequency of Inspection  Once in year
6.15.2       Frequency of Treatment after five years
6.15.3       Termite Control operation shall be carried out by using Imidacloprid Water based chemical emulsion.
6.15.4       Chemical requirement is low,2.1 ml/Lit of Water
6.15.5       Holes shall be drilled by Pest Logic India Technician as per the approved agreement along the junction of wall and floor and water based chemical emulsion shall be injected under pressure into holes to create a barrier against termites.
6.15.6       Imidacloprid spreads in all the directions by a process called “Lateral Soil Movement   ensuring thorough soil coverage leaving no gaps.
6.15.7       Service provider along with HR department shall inspect the termite infestation (if any) every year and document any review observation (if any) in format Attachment-XI “Yearly inspection of Termite infestation”.
6.15.8       Record of termite treatment shall be documented as per Attachment-XII “Record for termite treatment”.
6.15.9       In case any infestation observed, treatment shall be repeated.
6.16     MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for all chemicals, insecticides, rodenticides, disinfectants shall be made available by the Pest Logic India to the HR Department and they shall maintain the same.
6.17     No pest control chemical shall be stored in the premises of site or stored lock and key.  These shall be taken back by the representative of the pest control agency after he finishes his work.
6.18     Once in a month the representative of pest control agency shall look for nesting sites of birds within and outside the premises.  He shall look for nests in the utilities building, service floors, roofs of the building.  In case if nests are found, they would be removed immediately.
6.19     This shall be recorded in Attachment VI “Pest Control Record (Nesting of Birds)” by the representative of the Pest Control Agency.
6.20     Alternate chemical proposed by the pest control agency can be used after approval by manager QA.
6.21     List of all insecticides, rodenticides and other disinfectants being used by the pest control agency need prior approval by QA.
6.22     Antidotes, if any shall be made available in Medical Emergency Room along with the MSDS and direction of use.
6.23     In case of addition of any new building, Pest control layout shall be revised.
6.24     No Malathion based rodenticides are to be used.
6.25     All Pest Control Activities which are required to be done daily shall be carried out on all working days (except for Sundays and holidays declared by the Company).
6.26     Frequency of spraying of insecticide in walkable ceiling, spray the approved chemical as per Attachment-III and Attachment-IX for controlling the flies (A), Snake (B), Lizard (C),spider (D), Cricket (E)and General Disinfestation (F)  at the entrance of walkable ceiling on daily basis.
7.0           ATTACHMENTS
7.1           Attachment I Pest Control Record (Glue Pads)
7.2           Attachment II Pest Control Record (Roda Boxes)
7.3           Attachment III Pest Control Record (Routine) for outer periphery of building
7.4           Attachment IV Pest Control Record (Insectecutors)
7.5           Attachment V Pest Control Deficiency Detection Form
7.6           Attachment VI Pest Control Record (Nesting of Birds)
7.7           Attachment VII Usage and Spraying Record of Insecticide at Walkable Ceiling
7.8           Attachment VIII Pest Control Record (Weekly) for Mezzanine Floor & outer periphery of service floor
7.9           Attachment IX  Six Monthly Monitoring of Insects by Glue Traps
7.10       Attachment X  Yearly inspection  of Termite Infestation
7.11       Attachment XI  Record for termite treatment
7.12       Attachment XII  Change of florescent tube lights 
7.13       Attachment XIII Pest Control Record (Insectecutors available in periphery)
8.0           PRESERVATION OF RECORDS (if applicable)
As per SOP “Documents and Records”:-

9.0           REFERENCES
9.1            Cleaning and disinfection of area.
9.2           Management of contracted services.


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Hey Amazing blog it is, very useful blog on the pest control services, Thank you so much for sharing this blog,
Anonymous said…
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SK Ashmit said…
Quite informative blog. We also provide Pest Control Services in Zirakpur. Our group of professional exterminators provide you with the best pest removal treatment at affordable prices in both commercial and residential spaces.
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