Methods use for pest controlling at home naturally, Pestlogic India pest control in Mohali

Pest are the common problem in our homes. In summer season starting from February to October peste problem increases due to summer season, Mostly pest start active in summer season and evening time. Our home is a best place to surviving peste and in homes kitchen play important role to grow quotation is that how to deal naturally Control these pest. Kitchen having many remedies to protect you from pest.
how to deal with pest naturally.
Some natural methods to prevent pest are
Coffee grounds
Coffee can be effective solution to pest control. For ant 🐜 coffee grounds can be quit dangerous you can try to eliminate bugs by utilising recycled coffee grounds around your home in the area from which you think the bugs are entering.
Mint- Garlic
It can be used for outdoor pest control simply take a few mint leaves and close then blend it after that add a little amount of cayenne paper and drop dishwashing liquid to mixture it bring it to a boil and allow it to to fall down overnight strain it into any spray bottle you can use it to keep your green growing strong and fully pest free area. It’s a natural pest controlling agent which also used in crops then crops infected by Pest.

Hot pepper

This is another effective trick to keep pest at bay is a hot pepper can make it by mixing one gallon of water and three teaspoon of hot paper flowers all 10 finally chopped fresh pepper.simply boil these ingredients in a pan 4 approx 50 minute then allowed them to sit for 24 hours before straining. Add one or two rows of this shop to complete this remedy pest prevention spray.

Borax and sugar for ants

it is next homemade methods to prevent paste is borax and sugar you can take half cup of sugar one cup of water and 2 tablespoon of borax to create a mixture that help prevent paste this mixture spray for distribute around the home to control the ants.

Garlic pippermint

garlic and papermint act as pied Piper of hamelin of 21st century the most effective natural products used to keep ants away in fact sometime pest control Service also used method as a primary stab you can simply so cotton balls 100% pure peppermint oil and place them around areas where mice can get in an alternative way to mix the peppermint oil with water and use it as spray make sure to replace the cotton balls every 2 to 4 important it is to insect your home on every weekend look around every possible hole and get specially near your dash wardrobe kitchen chimney and pipe entrance building with arena is at high risk of rodent infestations.
These are first step aur home remedies to control the pest however 4 professional pest control I recommend you to visit the official website of Pestlogic India .They provide effective control solution to home owners and business 100 locations in the country. Phone no +91-9877941672


Emma Jasmine said…
All the methods you shared with us are worthy. Pest Control is always worth it whether it is at the professional level or the DIY. Pest control is used for controlling or removing the pests from you home or from anywhere. Most of the people use DIY pest control products at home regularly to avoid any kind of risk from pests, some products like home lizard repellent spray is used in most of the houses but thing you have to ensure is you must have to buy only trusted or kids safe products.
Loved the perspective on pest control and how the need for the same has been highlighted. With the rising global warming and changing climatic conditions, pest dominance has increased in households and the industrial sector. This calls for efficient pest control services. Check out our effective Bed Bug Control Services in Peer Muchallawhich has a reliable and professional team working together to provide residential, commercial, hostel, industrial, school, hospital pest control services and fogging services. The professionals work for rat, mosquito, cockroach,carpet beetle, silverfish, ant and bed bug control. The services aim to provide comprehensive cleaning and re-energizing for the life and home of its customers.

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